NTM Monday: Never Too Many…Clocks!

A doff of the collecting hat to @robojunker Margo Mauch Arrick! Margo, a longtime Junk Bonanza friend, is a regular contributor to NTM Monday! Today, that’s NTM for Never Too Many…clocks and clock faces! What attracts her to clocks? “The graphics, the typography, etc.,” Margo says. A regular visitor to Junk Bonanza and all of the big Texas shows, […]
NTM Monday: Never Too Many…Salt & Pepper Shakers!

It is NTM Monday! Never Too Many…salt and pepper shakers! Thanks to California artist Rita Reade for the share! Rita is the creative powerhouse behind Mammabellarte and The Vintage Marketplace at Galway Downs. She has always got something creative going in her studio or on her stovetop! “I have collected shakers for a couple of years,” Rita said. “And it all started because […]
NTM Monday: Never Too Many…Chickens!

It is NTM Monday! Never Too Many…Chickens! Thanks to Rosann Hendricks of Chula Vista, CA, for the share! Pictured is just part of her collection, perched atop a coop (partially pictured) she salvaged from a country store during a going-out-of-business sale. “Chickens are the theme for my kitchen and I cannot have too many,” Rosann […]
NTM Monday: Never Too Many…Door Knobs!

It’s NTM Monday! Never Too Many…Door Knobs! These are the passion of Amber Lyon Ferguson, aka @junkaholicsunanimous on Instagram! We love that she shared this collection, one of her many love-to-collect items! ” I have been collecting for about 10 years. I have been a dealer but right now I sell primarily through my Etsy […]
NTM Monday: Never Too Many…Cheese Domes!

It’s Never Too Many Monday! Fresh off of an amazing Junk Bonanza in Minneapolis, vendor Sarah Bierstedt of The Purple Pincushion was moved to share her collection of cheese domes! Says Sarah: “I have 37 of them between my studio and my home. At home they are tucked in around books on the shelves or sometimes lined up down the center of the dining table for a conversation starter. I […]
It’s NTM Monday! Never Too Many…Vintage Kitchen Items!

It’s #NTM Monday! Never Too Many…Vintage Kitchen Items! Junk Bonanza vendor Janis Archer of Country Keepsakes emailed this photo of her collection! “Thought you’d enjoy checking out ‘The Wall’ in my laundry room that houses my collection of brightly colored vintage kitcheny things!” Janis wrote. ” ‘The Wall’ gets changed out in November to display a vintage Christmas collection. Don’t look too […]