A doff of the collecting hat to @robojunker Margo Mauch Arrick! Margo, a longtime Junk Bonanza friend, is a regular contributor to NTM Monday! Today, that’s NTM for Never Too Many…clocks and clock faces!
What attracts her to clocks? “The graphics, the typography, etc.,” Margo says.
A regular visitor to Junk Bonanza and all of the big Texas shows, among others, Margo is famed for the way she adds to her numerous collections while traveling by squirreling away her finds into recesses of her suitcases!
Thanks, Margo, for the share! We can’t wait to see what you start collecting, next!
What do YOU collect? Please share your photos and information by dropping a line to kim@kinassauer.com. Ki would love to share!