JB Moves to Downtown Portland!

Junk Bonanza is on the move in the Pacific Northwest! JB is pleased to announce dates and a new venue for our Fall show — find us at the Oregon Convention Center in downtown Portland SEPT 15-16! Our amazing vendors will bring more of the amazing vintage finds, antique one-of-a-kinds, architectural salvage and artisan-made goods you’ve come to expect from Junk Bonanza! You’ll find […]
Chestnuts to the Rescue!

As 2016 draws to a close, there are a few stories we wanted to share but have yet to complete. One is that of Renee Cebula, our Portland vendor, Raising the Bar Barware! All of our vendors are amazing junkers, dedicated to sharing their love of the past and the funky. Yes, those are chestnuts! They are […]
Junk Bonanza Portland: Day 2 Rocks On!

Day 2 @junkbonanza #portland brought forecasts for apocalyptic rain and wind… and junk-savvy customers who deemed the weather standard issue for the Pacific Northwest! Vendors had restocked overnight and filled the floor with plenty of great storage pieces… … lighting fixtures… … upcycled jewelry… …and all matter of amazing vintage goods. . It was “Get […]
Junk Bonanza Portland: Opening Day!

We are thrilled to be back @junkbonanza #portland and so were our earliest Early Birds! Jacque Cobb and Elisha Thomas, right, traveled six hours from Baker City, OR, to be first in line for our show, same as last year! Elisha’s Mom, Sheila, and daughter, Izabella, made the trek, too! The first shoppers in the […]
Junk Bonanza Portland: Bring it On!

Vendors are putting the finishing touches on their booths and will be departing for the evening in about 5 minutes! There is so much amazing product in the house! We wanted to share a few photos with you… …this is but a very, VERY small slice of what’s here! We’ll be looking for you tomorrow […]
JB Portland: Prep Day 3 and We’re Rain-Ready!

The Pacific Northwest rolled out some its loveliest precip for @junkbonanza #portland today! Our Irene and the rest of the staff had the finest in #pnw-worthy gear! Check-in proceeded apace, and… …we don’t call our vendors the best in the junking business for nothing! They smiled while they toted and grinned while they unloaded! And you […]
JB Portland: Prep Days 1 and 2!

Team Junk Bonanza arrived in PDX from several ports of call Tuesday — Los Angeles (3), Minneapolis (4) and Cape Coral, FL (1) to get this party started! @junkbonanza #portland will be ready to roll Friday and Saturday! After accessorizing with a neck rest pillow, the team arrived at the Clark County Event Center and took […]
Meet the Fabulous Vendors of Junk Bonanza Portland!

It’s T-minus two days and counting until @junkbonanza #portland, FRIDAY and SATURDAY! We wanted to share our Rockin’ Vendor Roll Call with you! Come check out our fabulous vendors and enjoy buku great vintage shopping at the Clark County Event Center in Ridgefield, WA! All my Favorite Things Apron Strings & More Attic Antics Attic Journals Aurora […]
Where to Eat, Shop and Drink in the PNW (When You’re Not at The Bonanza!)

ARTWORK VIA www.travelportlandnow.com Even as Bonanza-centric as we get at this time of the year, we always remember when it’s time to eat! We asked old Bonanza pal Jill Hinson, now a PDX local, to update her go-to list for food, drinks and fun in Portland and Vancouver to jumpstart your non-JB hours! Here’s her report! EATS 10 Barrel […]
Paint By Numbers at JB Portland!

Come brush up on your painting skills with us @junkbonanza #portland! To pay homage to the vintage art of paint by numbers, we have turned four familiar Pacific Northwest icons into oversized PBN canvases…for you to help complete during the Bonanza OCT 14-15 at the Clark County Event Center in Ridgefield, WA! At our behest, Spokane, WA, graphic designer Vanessa […]