New MPLS Vendor: Purple Pincushion!

@junkbonanza #minneapolis welcomes the Purple Pincushion! Name: Sarah Bierstedt Business name: Purple Pincushion Live in/Business located: Algona, IA Your style in three words: fun, unique, creative On your junking bucket list: atomic bark cloth, ladies’ hankies, seed sacks, cashmere twin sets with rhinestone buttons You knew you were a junker when… …I stopped using […]
We’ve Got Style: Chippy!

We’re counting down the days until @junkbonanza #minneapolis! Only 40 more! To that end, we’re sharing some photos of some of the style of goods you’ll find. Today’s style: chippy! If you flip for chips, we are the place to be! See you at Canterbury Park, April 21-23! Vive le junk! Kim
Fab MPLS Vendors: Part 1!

@junkbonanza #minneapolis is pleased to offer the first installment of our rocking vendor list for the Spring show April 21-23 at Canterbury Park! 1st Pick Antiques and Vintage 106 Vintage 2nd Street Primitives A Vintage Affair A Vintage Parcel Al Linder Angel Army Decor Anne’s Antiques Downtown Art & Architecture As You Were Antiques Autumn […]
Gather Ye Rosebuds…#YarnBombTheBonanza!

Work is proceeding apace on the yarn bomb project for Junk Bonanza Minneapolis! Our installation artist, Knitteapolis, has all kinds of flower donations coming in knitters and crocheters throughout the country! This photo is a sampling! We have hired her to yarn bomb the life-size horse structure that Canterbury Park uses at the racetrack. And we also want to give YOU […]
Early Bird Tickets for JB Minneapolis!

Got your Early Bird tickets for @Junk Bonanza #minneapolis yet?!! We are pleased to feature this ticket that you may order online! Not only does the EB ticket get you in two hours early on opening day for prime shopping, it can also be used for re-entry on Friday and Saturday! Why would you want to shop […]
#YarnBombtheBonanza !

We can’t wait for @junkbonanza #minneapolis! We are thrilled that this show, in addition to all of the amazing junk and fabulous vendors, will also have a fun attraction for our attendees! We’ve invited Knitteapolis, the Minnesota Yarnbomber, to yarn bomb the Bonanza! Knitteapolis is an installation artist who keeps her identity shielded from the […]
Junk Bonanza: One Woman’s One-Stop Decor Shop!

Junk Bonanza loves to get mail! We were thrilled recently to receive this photo and message from Missy Wettstrom of Bloomington, MN: “This is the room that Junk Bonanza helped me create,” she wrote. ”The white hutch and the large piece of art behind the couch were purchased last fall at the Mpls Junk Bonanza. […]
The Early Bird gets the JUNK!

Team @Junk Bonanza is in heavy work mode these days, prepping for all four shows in San Diego (Feb. 19-20), Minneapolis (April 21-23 and Sept. 22-24) and Portland (Oct. 14-15)! Today, a shipment of Early Bird tickets arrived from our Cape Coral, FL, office for promotion purposes! Karla left me a nice greeting on the paper […]
Is it Real? 1st Pick’s Fab Find!

Junk Bonanza vendors are the best! This is Mark and one of his latest finds! Mark and Becky, of 1st Pick Antiques and Vintage in Neenah, WI, are bringing this amazing treasure to the Spring show in Minneapolis, if it doesn’t sell, first! This horse — 15 hands high! — is made of iron, carved wood and zinc […]
‘Twas the Night Before Bonanza: Minneapolis 2015
A reprised and revised poem from the Bonanza archives! (Can you find the new stanza?!) Twas the night before Bonanza;/ Throughout Canterbury Park,/ Hustle and bustle continued/ Well into the dark!/ When finally, the Ki Shop was totally stuffed/ The sidewalk-chalked floors were polished and buffed/ Vendors were finished with gilding their spots/ The building stood […]