Bonanza Week Begins: DAY 2!

Tuesday was early setup day at the Junk Bonanza! There were plenty of smiles to go around, despite the heavy lifting! Vendors checked in to the sounds of construction in the entry of the new Expo Center! Upstairs in the main building, structures were being formed… …as the first of the vendors began moving into […]
Bonanza Week Begins! DAY 1!

Another Junk Bonanza week begins at Canterbury Park! Check out that piece of blue tape on the ground, as seen from the corner of the ticket booth. Last show, this was the floor of “the tent” ! Things are looking a little different for this show! The new Expo Center is done inside, but there […]
It’s Empty Now…But Not For Long!
Never let it be said that your Bonanza maven is afraid to roll up her sleeves and go to work! Here’s Ki earlier today on the 2nd floor at Canterbury Park, helping spiff up the carpet in preparation fort the arrival of our very first upstairs vendors! It was pretty much move-in day before the […]