Wedding Shoes Revived, Thanks to Chalk Paint®!

Beth Peterson is ready to paint the town red, now that she has painted her dancing shoes! Beth, of Escondido, CA, calls herself a “do over” artist. After a lengthy career in real estate, she launched Do Over Furniture and, she says, “My life has been transformed!” That’s not the only thing to metamorphose! Check out the new look Beth […]
Chalk Paint® Workshops at the Bonanza!
The Bonanza is thrilled to have Annie Sloan Unfolded back as a Gold Partner! As part of this appearance, the ASU crew plans to provide six one-hour workshops on several techniques! The free, hands-on workshops will cover: *How to paint a two color distressed finish * Staining with Chalk Paint® * Easy distressing * Dry brushing * Adding typography […]
Annie Sloan Chalks up a Winner!
Ah, the fall edition of Junk Bonanza is a pleasant memory now! I never did get around to curating the photos and facts on our fabulous gold-level sponsor, Annie Sloan, during that mad, three-day dash at the Bonanza! So I wanted to share some pix with you now! Here are Annie Sloan Unfolded‘s marketing director, […]
A Conversation with Annie Sloan!
Photo by Penny Millar Annie Sloan, purveyor of Chalk Paint, waxes and finishes, textiles and design savvy, is one of the Junk Bonanza’s gold partners! Representatives and stockists from the company’s U.S. and Canadian arm, Annie Sloan Unfolded, will be in full force at the Bonanza, where you’ll be able to ask questions, sample and […]