Junk Bonanza welcomes the amazing Calamity Janes!
Joyce Janes
Business name:
Calamity Janes
Live in/Business located:
Work and sell at Monticello Antique Marketplace, Portland, OR
Your style in three words:
Victorian rustic elegance
On your junking bucket list:
Paris fleas, Alameda Flea, cross-country junkie’ roadtrip
You knew you were a junker when…

Bringing to the Bonanza:
rustic elegance, French Victorian
Email: joyce@monticelloantiques.com
Check out this rockin’ stuff! Sure you can’t wait to start shopping this and other fabulous vendors Oct. 9-11 at the Clark County Event Center in Ridgefield, WA!
Have your Early Bird tickets, yet! You may purchase them here!