Fabulous MPLS Vendor Roll Call, PART 1!

@junkbonanza #minneapolis is pleased to share the first installment of our rocking vendor roll call for the Fall show SEPT 22-24 at Canterbury Park! It won’t be long now! Check out these amazing vendors! 106 Vintage Co. 1st Pick Antiques 2nd Street Primitives A Vintage Affair A Vintage Parcel ACME Junk Co. Akerberg Acres Angel Army Decor Anna Bailey Building […]
New MPLS Vendor: Stella Stine Designs!

@junkbonanza #minneapolis welcomes Stella Stine Designs! Name: Tami Husnick Lives in/Business located: Maplewood, MN Business name: Stella Stine Designs Your style in three words: vintage, shabby, chic On your junking bucket list: Make it a profitable career You knew you were a junker when… … I had more treasures than space. Best all-time junking find: antique […]
New MPLS Vendor: ACME Junk Company!
@junkbonanza #minneapolis welcomes ACME Junk Co! Name: Craig Olson Business name: ACME Junk Co. Live in/Business located: Amery, WI Your style in three words: industrial, automotive, eclectic On your junking bucket list: a drive through New England with an empty trailer You knew you were a junker when… … I happened across a 100-plus-year-old shoe factory that was […]
New MPLS Fall Vendor: Eye Styles Optical & Boutique

@junkbonanza #minneapolis welcomes EyeStyles Optical and Boutique! Name: Nikki Griffin Business name: EyeStyles Optical and Boutique Live in/Business located: Oakdale, MN Your style in three words: colorful, brash, coordinated On your junking bucket list: antique optical supplies You knew you were a junker when… …I moved across the state to be closer to the annual […]
New MPLS Vendor: Anna Baileying!

@junkbonanza #minneapolis welcomes new vendor Anna Baileying! Name: Anna Bailey Business name: Anna Baileying Live in/Business located: Duluth, MN Your style in three words: eclectic, modern, re-claimed On your junking bucket list: old barns and outbuildings; such great lumber!!!! You knew you were a junker when… …I saw beauty and potential in the scrap […]
Got Your Early Bird Tickets Yet?!!!

Junking is more fun with friends! It’s only 14 days until @junkbonanza #Minneapolis and only 36 days until JB #Portland! Get your Early Bird tickets online for entrance two hours early on opening day (first crack at the fabulous junk!) and you can use them again for the remaining days of the show! Why shop […]
New MPLS Vendor: Moth Oddities!

@junkbonanza #minneapolis welcomes retro clothing vendor Moth Oddities! Name: Yana Pietras and Ian O’Neill Business name: Moth Oddities Live in/Business Located: We live in Minneapolis, MN. Our shop is online! Your style in three words: bold, vibrant, funky On your junking bucket list: We hope to continue ‘junking’ all over the country! Last November we embarked on […]
New MPLS Vendor: Urban Prairie Goods!

@junkbonanza #minneapolis welcomes Urban Prairie Goods! Name: Annie Poitra Business name: Urban Prairie Goods Live in/Business located: Fargo, ND Your style in three words: urban, eclectic, farm On your junking bucket list: every junk yard from here to kingdom come You knew you were a junker when… …I was 8 years old and rescued unused […]
Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day from Ki and the Junk Bonanza team! We salute our hard-working vendors and customers, and wish you all a lovely day full of fun, relaxation, and perhaps, even, the pursuit of some great junk! (Pictured here, our friends from @throughtheporthole in San Diego!) Thanks for all you do! We can’t wait to […]
New MPLS Vendor: Gypsy & the Fish!

@junk bonanza #minneapolis welcomes Gypsy & the Fish! Name: Janette Olsen Business name: Gypsy & the Fish Live in/Business located: Fargo, ND Your style in three words funky, Bohemian, Laura-Ingalls-Wilder On your junking bucket list: The ultimate torn and patched Army jacket Best all-time junking find: found an original John Mendoza painting for $25 valued at $2,500. Thought […]