Meet Flea Market Style Editors (and See the New Issue!) at JB Minneapolis!

If you love the new Spring issue of Flea Market Style mag, now you can meet the amazing duo who created every page of vintage goodness! Bonanza founder Ki Nassauer and coeditor-in-cheif Celeste Shaw will be on hand APRIL 20-22 at Junk Bonanza Minneapolis to meet and greet and sign copies of the new issue. They’ll have copies for sale and look forward to […]
Meet the Flea Market Style Editors at JB San Diego!

The wait is almost over! The new, Spring issue of Flea Market Style mag is expected to be on newsstands FEB 14 — just in time for Junk Bonanza San Diego later in the week! Top FMS editors Ki Nassauer and Celeste Shaw will be on hand FEB 17-18 at the Bonanza to meet and greet and […]
Ki’s Other Gig: Flea Market Style Mag Returns!

BIG NEWS! Flea Market Style magazine return to newstands this November with Ki and fellow junker Celeste Shaw at the helm! Mark your calendars! Our Junk Bonanza founder is excited to return to create new content for the magazine, which is now operating with a new publisher! Celeste, previously featured in FMS, is a fixture in Spokane, WA, […]
Celeste Shaw of Lucky Vintage & Pretty Things Loves JB!

@JunkBonanza is closing in on its first Pacific Northwest vintage show, Oct. 9-11! The Portland, OR, area is populated with fab vendors and vintage lovers, and the creme de la creme will be at our show! Our Pacific Northwest fans are the best, too! Meet Celeste Shaw, one of our biggest backers! Vintage maven Celeste is known to many […]