
@junkbonanza #sandiego welcomes mmd antiques!
Matt de Vaul

Business name:

mmd antiques

Live in/Business located:

131 w. Chapman Av, Orange CA 92866

Your style in three words:

urban, industrial, rustic


On your junking bucket list:

I’m living my bucket list.

You knew you were a junker when…

…I couldn’t pass a dumpster without jumping in.

Best all-time junking find:

I found a wood working bench in an ally 8 years ago. I still have it! It was the inspiration for my aesthetic design.

You wish you would never have parted with…

…I sold the most amazing workbench to this guy and he whittled me down on the price. Later to find out he was a billionaire *******.


Bringing to the Bonanza:

the cream of the crop

You never junk without…

…my phone! I don’t do anything without my phone.

In your garage: cars or junk?

Junk by the yard. The city has written me up 3 times for junk on the driveway…

No one would ever guess you…

…were a stay-at-home dad and took care of my daughters. I sold on eBay in my down time to help support my family.

Your junking holy grail:

full-size standing grizzly bear taxidermy

Junking makes you feel…

…less crazy.





It’s T-minus four days and counting until we see mmd antiques and YOU at the Del Mar Fairgrounds! We can’t wait!


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