@junkbonanza #sandiego welcomes Itty Bitty Vintage Shop!
Terri Endrodi
Business name:
Itty Bitty Vintage Shop
Lives in/Business located:
My camper and I live in Claremont, Calif. but we travel all over to the vintage markets since we are a mobile shop. FYI — my grandparents were real life Hungarian Gypsies so I believe I got the travel bug in my blood!
Junking bucket list:
Round Top, TX World’s longest yard sale, Fredricksberg Trade Days
You knew you were a junker when…
…my first trip to a salvage yard and I saw the sign ” Beware of Rattlesnakes” posted. I picked up a long stick and continued pickin!
Best all-time find:
a pair of Turner prints at the swap meet for $10 each. I still have them hanging in my home.
Wish I never parted with:
50’s double-sided light up HERSHEYS ice cream sign
Bringing to the Bonanza:
my camper FULL of junkin finds
You never junk without:
worn-in boots, gloves and several blankets to wrap the days picks. Also my phone to take pics so I know what to go back for when it all doesn’t fit in my Jeep.
In my carport:
my Jeep; my back yard is another story!
No one would ever guess:
that I found and refurbished my camper by myself. They always think a man is involved!
Junkin’ holy grail:
just found! a vintage pair of wings for my camper. she was missing them when I found her.
Junkin’ makes me feel:
Ki and the team are counting down the days until we see you at Del Mar Fairgrounds for the nation’s best vintage round-up!