Business name:
Coon Creek Primitives
Live in/Business located:
Antiques 101 Rogers, MN
Your style in three words:
fun, free-style picking
On your junking bucket list:
a picking trip through the southern states
You knew you were a junker when…
…there was no room in the spare bedroom for my mom to stay because it was full of junk.
Best all-time junking find:
100-year=old rocking chair for a $1
You wish you would never have parted with…
…old number 5 that was an old industrial stool
Bringing to the Bonanza:
painted stools and benches, shabby chic furniture, advertising crates, farm primitives, skis and sleds, lanterns, painted window frames, vintage game boards, old license plates, wooden duck decoys, milk cans, vintage toys
You never junk without…
…having fun and being creative
In your garage: cars or junk?
Our garage was made to hold junk and not cars.
No one would ever guess you…
…stay up at night coming up with new junk creations.
Your junking holy grail:
All junk finds are holy grails.
Junking makes you feel…
…as if we have found heaven.
Email: MNWALLY00@yahoo.com
Email: MNWALLY00@yahoo.com
We look forward to celebrating the glories of junk with you soon! Only a month away!