Welcome to the Junk Bonanza, Rusty Roof Barn!
Erin Siegmund
Business name:
Rusty Roof Barn
Live in/Business located:
Ripon, WI
Your style in three words:
Rusty, vintage, funk

On your junking bucket list:
any small old junkyard
You knew you were a junker when…
My grandparents had a camper and the lot backed up to a woods. I remember being pretty little and digging old bottles up and thinking it was the coolest.

Best all-time junking find:
A early 1900s oak library table. When I was about 10, my mom’s friend would take us to an old lake home that she cleaned. I fell in love this the table that they had in the living room. About a year ago the family sold the house and all the furnishings. I was able to buy the table and the family gave my a picture of the table in the living room where it had been sitting for almost 90 years.

You wish you would never have parted with…
A vintage buffalo hide rug
Bringing to the Bonanza:
I have a pretty big selection of industrial chairs, a set of lockers, a couple of amazing vintage automotive pieces. I keep going out and picking so more keeps getting added to my pile.

You never junk without…
My truck, a F250 we call Gary
In your garage: cars or junk?
I don’t have a garage but my pole building is full of junk

No one would ever guess you…
Junking makes you feel…

Your junking icon:
all my old school junking friends who have been doing this their whole lives
It won’t be long now until Rusty Roof Barn and the other fab Bonanza vendors will be in the house at Canterbury Park!