The Junk Bonanza welcomes Rose’s Collectibles!
Rose Spaulding
Business name:
Rose’s Collectibles LLC
Live in/Business located:
Brooklyn Center
Your style in three words:
vintage Navajo jewelry
You knew you were a vintage lover when…
…I saw my first vintage squash blossom piece.
On your junking bucket list:
vintage turquoise, turquoise, turquoise!
Best all-time junking find:
vintage Navajo museum pieces
You never junk without…
…big bags.
In your garage: cars or junk?
No one would ever guess you…
…are an avid coin collector.
Junking makes you feel…
…happy we’re able to rescue the amazing handmade sterling silver American Indial jewelry from the melters.
Rose, we’ll be by to admire the turquoise! We’ll be seeing you in a little less than two weeks!