Meet another fabulous new Bonanza vendor, Minnesota Junker!
Janice Oetterer
Business name:
Minnesota Junker
Live in/Business located:
Finlayson, MN
Your style in three words:
rustic, repurposed, unique
On your junking bucket list:
Oronoco Gold Rush Days
You knew you were a junker when…
…I dug an old tennis racket and baseball bat out of my mother-in-law’s garage sale free box and hung them in my son’s bedroom!
Best all-time junking find:
a 10-foot baseball scoreboard
You wish you would never have parted with…
…the world’s most perfect rusty gate
Bringing to the Bonanza:
a huge Hoosier cabinet
You never junk without…
…my camera!
In your garage: cars or junk?
On my side? Stacked junk!
No one would ever guess you…
…bagged an active hornet’s nest one night!

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