Check out our newest Bonanza vendor and the great guy with an egg for a face!
Susan Puls
Business name:
Vintage of Ada
Live in/Business located:
Ada, WI
Your style in three words:
farm girl chic

On your junking bucket list:
to become a vendor at the Junk Bonanza. Sometimes dreams do come true!
You knew you were a junker when…
…when my mom took me to a rummage sale when I was about 8 years old, and I fell in love with some wonderful old jewelry.
Best all-time junking find:
a three-foot high carnival pig bank that was purchased by a local butcher shop.

You wish you would never have parted with…
…a fabulous Amelia Earhart train case, mint!
Bringing to the Bonanza:
my great wooden Humpty Dumpty
You never junk without…
…my fold-up coaster wagon from Costco. My super hauler!

In your garage: cars or junk?
K, you’ve got me there…also a good part of the barn and several other outbuildings. (Part of the glory of living in the country.)

No one would ever guess you…
…that within this mild-mannered school teacher beats the heart of a junking gypsy.
One more thing you need to know…
..,Flea Market Style magazine changed my life. Not an exaggeration.
Facebook: Vintage Farmgirls

The Bonanza welcomes Vintage of Ada, Humpty Dumpty and all!


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