The Junk Bonanza is pleased to announce that Cari Cucksey will be on board for the Spring event, both as a featured presenter and as a vendor!
Cucksey, the repurposing maven and host of “Cash & Cari” on HGTV, will anchor a triple booth on the second floor under the RePurpose name of her Michigan estate sale and refurbished finds business!
Welcome Cari!
Cari will hold “Meet and Greet” Q and A sessions each day from noon to 1 p.m. on the second floor!
Some things to know about Cari and RePurpose:
Cari Cucksey
Business name:
Live in/Business located:
Plymouth, MI
Your style in three words:
a little bit country and a little bit rock&roll, fun, eclectic
On your junking bucket list:
return to the Paris Flea Market
You knew you were a junker when…
…I’ve been a junker my entire life. My parents and grandparents would tote me around to garage sales and their favorite junking haunts as a young child.
Best all-time junking find:
hands down, my husband! I found him “along the side of the road.”
Bringing to the Bonanza:
RePurposed furniture, vintage and antique home decor and accessories, jewelry
You never junk without…
…listening to my gut. It never lies. If your gut says buy it…listen!
In your garage: cars or junk?
Both! Louise my vintage Jeep Wagoneer is in the garage as well as a few…ahem…piles of treasures.
No one would ever guess you…
…I secretly don’t like to have dirty hands. I MUST wear gloves when I work.
Pinterest: CariCucksey
Twitter: @CariCucksey
Instagram: @CariCucksey

Only 14 days until the Junk Bonanza! We can’t wait to see you there!


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