Sarah Smith has got Salvage Style!
Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith Salvage Style
Lives in/Business located:
Overland Park, KS/my business is “me,” so wherever I’m located
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:
Specializes in:
jewelry, military bags, cash boxes, home accents, random beauty
Favorite activity besides junking:
You mean there are other activities besides junking?!
Would save if the workshop were on fire:
Myself! There’s always more junk to be found.
You knew you were a junker when:
I attended my first flea market at age 3, and loved it! I knew I was a junker for life.
Three words that describe you:
according to my sister: spontaneous, creative and very outgoing
Three words that describe your product:
fun, eclectic, interesting
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
a singer, preferably a famous one!
When you found it, you knew it would sell immediately:
World War II-era, Czech military rations bags. Once I decorated them with vintage jewels, they sold like hotcakes!
We can’t wait to step right up and see what this year’s version of the proverbial hotcake is at Sarah’s booth!
Love, love, love!! I am so going to miss Junk Bonanza this year and the seriously amazing vendors in the midwest! I might cry=)
I absolutely love my bag I purchased last year. I will be sporting it for trip up there this year. See ya Thursday morning!