Calling all fans of the chipped and industrial! Meet Patina Blue!
Cheryl Weir
Patina Blue
Lives in/Business located:
Edina, MN/Apple Valley, MN

This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:


Specializes in:
industrial, galvanized, oron, primitives, chippy furniture
You knew you were a junker when:
I realized I would never be able to park in my garage again, and didn’t care!
Three words that describe you:
Type A/throw in some procrastination and over-organization tendencies

Three words that describe your product:
primitives, industrial, rusty treasures
When you found it, you knew it would sell immediately:
A gorgeous painted armoire with original blue paint. Wish I had kept it!
Cheryl, thanks for the info, but we still want to know what you’d save if the workshop were on fire!

6 Responses

  1. LOL, Thought Cheryl was describing me when she described herself…Type A/throw in some procrastination and over-organization tendencies. Loving the wood trunks in the pictures. Can’t wait to see Cheryl’s booth this year.

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