We love that calming feeling we get from walking through the front door at Jennifleur/The Bee Cottage!
Jennifer Finlay
Jennifleur/The Bee Cottage
Lives in/Business located:
Minnetonka, MN/Excelsior, MN
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:
Specializes in:
I started my business by making handmade soy candles made in recycled wine bottles; now I own my own shop in Excelsior selling handmade vintage and flea market finds with a French twist.
Favorite activity besides junking:
If I’m not shopping for new finds, I’m creating them. For a break, I love taking spinning classes at The Firm in Minneapolis.
Would save if the workshop were on fire:
My cat is about all I’d have time to grab, since I’d be surrounded by a studio of flammable candles!
You knew you were a junker when:
I came to the point where I couldn’t fit any more of my favorite flea market finds in my house; I knew it was time to open up a shop!
Three words that describe you:
classic, creative, independent
Three words that describe your product:
elegant, chic, refined
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
a buyer for a large store
You couldn’t stand to sell it once you found it:
A chippy cream French console with a laurel wreath detail and caned sides. It fits perfectly outside my bathroom where I struggled for 10 years to find anything else to fit!
Don’t miss this booth at the Bonanza, where you’ll find plenty of items to “fit” your decor needs!
Love it! ….but I clicked on the link to beecottage and got an error message. would love to visit the site!
So much prettiness!