The Artique holds a lot of junk!
Deb Mucklow
The Artique
Lives in/Business located:
Champlin, MN/Anoka, MN
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:

Specializes in:
antiques, primitives, farm, garden and cabin junk. If it’s metal and rusty, I see beauty.

Favorite activity besides junking:
Being a Grammy. But I can’t imagine a day without junking!

Would save if the workshop were on fire:
my cell phone
You knew you were a junker when:
at 5 years old, junking with my Mom at antique and thrift stores and begging for her to buy me an antique trunk. I was hooked!

Three words that describe you:
zestful, fun, ambitious
Three words that describe your product:
antique, rusty, fun

If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
sitting next to a pool in Hawaii with a Margarita in my hand
When you found it, you knew it would sell immediately:
an antique farm cupboard I rescued from a barn. Sold it while I was carrying it into the shop.
Ah, the classic junker story! Every vendor has one and you’ll hear plenty of them at the Junk Bonanza!

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