The Artique holds a lot of junk!
Deb Mucklow
The Artique
Lives in/Business located:
Champlin, MN/Anoka, MN
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:
Specializes in:
antiques, primitives, farm, garden and cabin junk. If it’s metal and rusty, I see beauty.
Favorite activity besides junking:
Being a Grammy. But I can’t imagine a day without junking!
Would save if the workshop were on fire:
my cell phone
You knew you were a junker when:
at 5 years old, junking with my Mom at antique and thrift stores and begging for her to buy me an antique trunk. I was hooked!
Three words that describe you:
zestful, fun, ambitious
Three words that describe your product:
antique, rusty, fun
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
sitting next to a pool in Hawaii with a Margarita in my hand
When you found it, you knew it would sell immediately:
an antique farm cupboard I rescued from a barn. Sold it while I was carrying it into the shop.
Ah, the classic junker story! Every vendor has one and you’ll hear plenty of them at the Junk Bonanza!
Wonderful stuff…love all the old stoneware…
I’ve vistited the Artique more than once. Lots of fun and fabulous things!