Getting ready for the Junk Bonanza is a little bit like the classic duck story: calm on top, and paddling like mad underneath.
The JB team is meeting regularly to parse out issues of space, marketing, advertising, giving the vendors the best possible experience, distributing tickets, public relations, etc. Note that Bonanza Event Manager Emily Gabrelcik never travels without two phones! (And vendor wrangler Jane Hall wonders why!)
And, as usual, Ki checked in from afar; still bunking in Florida and not yet returned to LA!

One recent evening meeting was standard operating procedure. That is, until Ki loudly informed that she had to get off the phone now to deal with a particularly pesky speciman of the common cockroach, pictured.
Yes, he has departed this mortal vale. Long live Ki’s moxie!
She used her attractive purple Con to eradicate said pest. “Not with my foot inside the shoe, cause it was crawling up the wall, much higher than I could raise my leg these days,” she said. “No time to find the spray!”
It’s always comforting to know that some things are constant: The Junk Bonanza returns each year, better than the last. And calm, cool and collected Ki never sweats the details (even if they are motoring along on multiple legs!)
Here’s to a fun and adventure-fllled Bonanza! We can promise it won’t be dull!


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