Intrepid blog readers and inveterate junkers!
You were at the ready recently to identify a wire contraption unknown to my untrained eye.
You called it: a vintage drain spout debris catcher.
But this time, I know what these are!
Do you?
She’s redeemed great quantities of these from various junking sources and plans to bring them to the Bonanza.
Can you guess what it is?
One hint: Don’t be swayed by those pop crates beneath. They are unrelated!
Happy Junking!
Yup – they hold pool cues! Good find.
Or, if I were to guess again – communion cups from the communion rail.
The hold the grape juice cups for The Lord’s Supper, attaching to the backs of pews.
They would look lovely attached to a board, holding shot glass candles, or small flower
Lezlee again
The hold the little communion glasses on church pew pockets.
I think
They remind me of wooden stocking dryers. They have holes in them to help the drying go faster and the wooden forms help the stockings hold their shape.
at Hey Viv !