We love that calming feeling we get from walking through the front door at Jennifleur/The Bee Cottage!
Jennifer Finlay
Jennifleur/The Bee Cottage
Lives in/Business located:
Minnetonka, MN/Excelsior, MN
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:

Specializes in:
I started my business by making handmade soy candles made in recycled wine bottles; now I own my own shop in Excelsior selling handmade vintage and flea market finds with a French twist.
Favorite activity besides junking:
If I’m not shopping for new finds, I’m creating them. For a break, I love taking spinning classes at The Firm in Minneapolis.

Would save if the workshop were on fire:
My cat is about all I’d have time to grab, since I’d be surrounded by a studio of flammable candles!

You knew you were a junker when:
I came to the point where I couldn’t fit any more of my favorite flea market finds in my house; I knew it was time to open up a shop!

Three words that describe you:
classic, creative, independent
Three words that describe your product:
elegant, chic, refined
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
a buyer for a large store

You couldn’t stand to sell it once you found it:
A chippy cream French console with a laurel wreath detail and caned sides. It fits perfectly outside my bathroom where I struggled for 10 years to find anything else to fit!
Don’t miss this booth at the Bonanza, where you’ll find plenty of items to “fit” your decor needs!

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