Everything’s ready at Canterbury Park!
(Ki and crew labored ’til way after dark!)
To make it all perfect for customers, friends,
And vendors and all who love junk to no end!
The booths are amazing! All styled and all set!
We think some are more than the best ever yet!
The junk is so glorious: patina! And rust!
And finishes to see that are just such a “must”!
Upcycled! Vintage! Salvage! Antiques!
You know vendors have been picking for 52 weeks!
It’s all just so fab, and incredible great!
Lust-worthy stuff; to see you can’t wait!
So hustle on in, be bound for Bonanza
(and while you travel we’ll write one more stanza!)
of this poem that is tortured, though heartfelt and true
JB wouldn’t be JB without fans like you!
Vive le Junk! In all forms we love!
And for it thank stars and the heavens above
For pickers! For barn sales! For all those who forage
And dig out the stuff from long-lost cold storage!
Junk Bonanza is best! And you make it so!
And now it is time, to go, junkers go!
Fly through the doors with your Early Bird tix
And make all most of your Early Bird picks!
For three days we’ll shop and swoon and we’ll swarm
Over stuff that’ so great, our heart it will warm,
Just like the good feelings we have for the others:
Our comrades in junking, sisters and brothers!
Have a great Bonanza! Let the fun begin!

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