Oak + Olive is hauling a load of furniture to the Junk Bonanza!

Krizia Villanueva
Business name:
Live in/Business located:
Madison, WI
Your style in three words:
earthy, vintage, modern

 On your junking bucket list:

A serious northern Wisconsin road trip is in order this summer!
You knew you were a junker when…
…I find myself giddy when I find old treasures!
Best all-time junking find:
I found these fabulous farmhouse screens with perfect chippy white paint all piled up on the roadside.

 You wish you would never have parted with…

…that I had never sold my repurposed barn door turned entryway organizer.

 Bringing to the Bonanza:

I have a love affair with furniture to say the least! Right now my wallpapered desk and my orange empire dresser are my favorites.

You never junk without…
…a lot of caffeine, a sizable vehicle, cushy blankets to protect my new finds.
In your garage: cars or junk?
Can you believe I don’t have a garage? Umm, my basement is FULL.

No one would ever guess you…
…meticulously research almost every find that lands in my hands. I like to know details!
Contact: krizia@oakandolivehome.com
Website: www.oakandolivehome.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oakandolivehome
Twitter: @oakandolivehome

See you at the Bonanza!

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