JB San Diego: Set Up, Day 2!

Thursday was a busy day as remaining vendors toted their goods and worked their artistic magic on the O’Brien Hall at the Del Mar Fairgrounds — all in preparation for you! Smiles abounded despite the work… … which was plentiful! Here’s a sneak peek at the amazing junk that awaits! Beautiful sign artistry… … fabulous […]
Junk Bonanza Portland: Bring it On!

Vendors are putting the finishing touches on their booths and will be departing for the evening in about 5 minutes! There is so much amazing product in the house! We wanted to share a few photos with you… …this is but a very, VERY small slice of what’s here! We’ll be looking for you tomorrow […]
JB Portland: Prep Day 3 and We’re Rain-Ready!

The Pacific Northwest rolled out some its loveliest precip for @junkbonanza #portland today! Our Irene and the rest of the staff had the finest in #pnw-worthy gear! Check-in proceeded apace, and… …we don’t call our vendors the best in the junking business for nothing! They smiled while they toted and grinned while they unloaded! And you […]