Why Should YOU be an Early Bird at JB Minneapolis?!!

Are you an Early Bird for Junk Bonanza #minneapolis?! We hope so! Tickets are still available online for $25, $5 less than the at-the-door price! What does the Early Bird get? Early entry on Thursday, APRIL 20, at 8AM! That’s two hours before the doors open to general admission for prime picking before the real crowds […]
Win Early Bird Tickets to JB Portland OCT 14-15!

We’re giving away a pair of Early Bird tickets to @junkbonanza #portland to some lucky winner this week! Enter on our Facebook event page for Portland, here! Just comment on the post, tag five friends in it and then share the page in your newsfeed or on your page! The contest closes at 11PM CST on Saturday, […]
Got Your Early Bird Tickets Yet?!!!

Junking is more fun with friends! It’s only 14 days until @junkbonanza #Minneapolis and only 36 days until JB #Portland! Get your Early Bird tickets online for entrance two hours early on opening day (first crack at the fabulous junk!) and you can use them again for the remaining days of the show! Why shop […]
We’ve Got San Diego Dates! See You Feb. 17-18, 2017!

Ki is thrilled to announce dates for the Junk Bonanza’s return to San Diego! Mark your calendars for February 17-18, 2017, at the Del Mar Fairgrounds! And get ready for fabulous treasure-hunting in a spectacular — and pleasantly temperate! — setting! Early Bird tickets are on sale now on the Ki Nassauer website: http://bit.ly/1TKny4t We can’t wait […]
Early Bird Tickets for JB Minneapolis!

Got your Early Bird tickets for @Junk Bonanza #minneapolis yet?!! We are pleased to feature this ticket that you may order online! Not only does the EB ticket get you in two hours early on opening day for prime shopping, it can also be used for re-entry on Friday and Saturday! Why would you want to shop […]
Early Bird Ticket Giveaways Starting!

We’re excited about @junkbonanza San Diego Feb. 19-20! Preparations are proceeding apace! We wanted to let you know that we’ll be giving away TWO PAIR of EARLY BIRD TICKETS through our Facebook page next week AND a GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY package with Early Bird tickets, an overnight stay for two at Hotel Indigo in Del Mar and other […]
The Early Bird gets the JUNK!

Team @Junk Bonanza is in heavy work mode these days, prepping for all four shows in San Diego (Feb. 19-20), Minneapolis (April 21-23 and Sept. 22-24) and Portland (Oct. 14-15)! Today, a shipment of Early Bird tickets arrived from our Cape Coral, FL, office for promotion purposes! Karla left me a nice greeting on the paper […]
Early Bird Ticket Winners to JB Portland!

Congrats to our EARLY BIRD TICKET WINNERS for Junk Bonanza Portland, chosen by random number generator! Char Syverson Dawn Hendricksen Rebecca Bouchier Marie Woodson Karyn Schneider Leah Nagel! Please EMAIL kim@kinassauer.com with your address to claim your prize! Congrats! Still want to get in on the Early Bird fun? Order your ticket online now at http://www.kinassauer.com/collections/junk-bonanza/products/portland-junk-bonanza-early-bird-ticket-october-2015 Early […]
Portland Early Bird Ticket Giveaway Starts Today!

We are very excited to bring the Junk Bonanza vintage market to the Pacific Northwest! Junk Bonanza Portland is set for Oct. 9-11 and we’re giving away 6 Early Bird tickets to lucky winners!!! Early Bird tickets get you in 2 hours before the general admission opening on the first day, and are good for readmission on Saturday and […]
Early Bird Ticket Winners for JB Minneapolis!

Congrats to our EARLY BIRD TICKET WINNERS for Junk Bonanza Minneapolis, chosen by random number generator here and on our Facebook page! Sarah Biljan Sue Traeger Lisa Krueger Schaub Holly Huttner Kathy Willis Dawn Johnson! Please EMAIL kim@kinassauer.com with your address to claim your prize! Congrats! Still want to get in on the Early Bird fun? […]