Meet Our Fabulous Partners and Contributors!

The information desk during the Spring 2014 Junk Bonanza, where attendees flocked for great giveaways, including kits from contributor Gorilla Glue. Gorilla Glue returns for Fall show Sept. 25-27, and is giving away 50 kits on Lucky Friday! The Junk Bonanza’s partners are an amazing bunch! Not only do they help underwrite our events, they contribute […]
Silver Partner: Howard Products!
The Bonanza welcomes back its familiar Silver Partner, Howard Products! Howard Products, the venerable maker of the gold standard in wax and furniture polish and restorers, is a longtime Bonanza supporter! (If you have yet to try Restor-A-Finish, you’ll want to give it a try!) The Paso Robles, Calif., company, has generously donated many products […]