@junkbonanza #sandiego welcomes new vendor Burnett Antiques!
Nancy Burnett
Business name:
Burnett Antiques
Live in/Business located:
Fallbrook, CA
Your style in three words:
country, antiques, Euro
On your junking bucket list:
You knew you were a junker when…
… I first traveled to England. I collect from the countryside of England and France.
Best all-time junking find:
a four-piece bamboo set furniture set — a hall stand, bench, corner chair and table for — for $100 25 years ago
You wish you would never have parted with…
… the bamboo set
Bringing to the Bonanza:
an assortment of English country-style furniture and garden furniture
You never junk without…
… cash!
No one would ever guess you…
… am enjoying this business after 30 years
Your junking Holy Grail:
my beautiful pine corner cupboard from Winchester, England!
Junking makes you feel…
… fabulous!
Counting down! Only four more days until Burnett Antiques and all of the other awesome vintage vendors gather indoors at the Del Mar Fairgrounds! Hope you have your Early Bird tickets for first crack at all of the prime product our purveyors are bringing!
Ki and the team eagerly await your arrival!