Today was early load-in day for Junk Bonanza San Diego! Sixteen vendors wanted the extra time of early set-up, beginning at 11:30 AM. They took the “early” part seriously, as they were soaking up the SD sun, awaiting the appointed time!
Event manager Krista Belle and her squad were ready!
A lot of great stuff was coming out of the WM Design House/SheShed trailer!
Dustin of Uber Chic Home shocked KB and Eydie by actually showing up for early setup!
The vendors were all greeted with cheery I HEART Junk Bonanza Vendors buttons!
At Last Vestige, upper left, Karen directed the pair of hands (peeking over the top) and the human to which they were attached, on how to adjust it all JUST right!
We love this stage of set-up — waiting for all of these great pieces to coalesce into something fab!
Piles of stuff slowly morphed into staged booths!
We had a lot of happy vendors in house today! Can’t wait for tomorrow! Regular vendor load-in starts at 9 AM!