@junkbonanza #sandiego welcomes SheShed by WM Design House!
David and Wendy McMonigle
Business name:
SheShed by WM Design House
Live in/Business located:
Sierra Madre, CA
Your style in three words:
classy, elegant, diverse
On your junking bucket list:
Paris Flea Market / RoundTop / Lincolnshire Int’ Antique and Home Show
You knew you were a junker when…
,,,My grandparents were antique dealers in Philadelphia; their home was a virtual museum. My grandfather was a clockmaker/ restorer. I caught the bug then.
Best all-time junking find:
a mining cart. We have it planted in the backyard; it’s pictured at the top of this post.
You wish you would never have parted with…
…1800 rod iron candelabra
Bringing to the Bonanza:
vintage furniture (smalls), home decor, yard art
You never junk without…
…my truck, bags, money.
In your garage: cars or junk?
Both; we are blessed to have the space and a trailer.
No one would ever guess you…
…No one would ever guess you… are a handbag designer for Nordstrom’s and Macy’s private label and I have my own line of handbags.
Your junking holy grail:
White pitchers, I love to collect them. David’s is scales and carts.
Junking makes you feel……love the hunt and finding uniques items that are highly desirable.Find
Email:wendy@wmdesignhouse.com / david@wmdesignhouse.com
In addition to vending, Wendy will operate a “succulent potting bar” where you can purchase vintage containers and plants and pot up your own container to go! More on that next week!
It won’t be long now! Ki and the team can’t wait to see you at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Feb. 19-20!