Six-time vendor Lori Olson Creations keeps bringing the love to the Bonanza!
Lori Olson
Lori Olson Creations
Lives in/Business located:
Eden Prairie, MN
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:

Specializes in:
vintage home decor, vintage jewelry, and, new this year, a line of vintage-style personalized flash cards

Favorite activity besides junking:
time with girlfriends and besties
Would save if the workshop were on fire:
my husband! He’s the only reason the workshop works!

You knew you were a junker when:
I got the courage to take something off the side of the road, and I’ve never looked back!

Three words that describe you:
artistic, funny, good friend
Three words that describe your product:
trendy, creative, fun

If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
a stager and stylist
You couldn’t stand to sell it once you found it:
I am in LOVE with vintage charm bracelets and own, we’ll call it “many,” so I love to pick them up whenever and pass the love on to my customers. Well, I came upon a vintage sterling charm bracelet at a sale for a song and was excited to turn a nice profit until I got it home and gave it a good once over. It was filled with boy and girl head charms, all engraved with names and birthdates.I’m guessing it was the owner’s children and grandchildren, and there is no way I can part with it. Just think of the care and love put into that collection and the history. I feel as if I have been given the job of “keeper of the legacy,” in a good way, and I have been adding my own children’s and grandchildren’s charms as they come. Love.
A charming story on several fronts! And you’ll be charmed, we’re sure, by the siren song of the Junk Bonanza! Can’t wait to see you there!

4 Responses

  1. Great vendor! I still have my charm bracelet, couldn’t part with all of those memories- what a wonderful idea to add your memories to an old one.

  2. Wonderful items in the photos! I love the story of the charm bracelet! When my daughters graduated high school, they each received a charm bracelet that I put charms on relating to their interests, such as drama masks, music notes, instruments they played, etc. They were like their own high school history bracelets and they loved them. Made me all teary eyed LOL! Thank you for sharing! Hugs, Leena

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