Picket Fence Gals just know how to have fun!
Karen Severine, Susan Peterson, Karin Adams
Picket Fence Gals
Lives in/Business located:
Shoreview, MN-Chisago City, MN-Osceola, WI/Lindstrom, MN
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:
Specializes in:
uncommon goods at fair prices
Website: picketfencegals.com
Favorite activity besides junking:
gardening, reading and road trips. To be honest, junking is a full-time passion.
Would save if the workshop were on fire:
our bulletin board of photographs from past junking adventures and maybe a staple gun!
You knew you were a junker when:
after my first auction at 8 years of age, when my Grandma brought me a lamp from a thrift shop, and when my Mother said, “What can you possibly make out of that?”
Three words that describe you:
enthusiastic, innovative, passionate
Three words that describe your product:
unusual, fun, priced-to-sell
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
Is this even an option?
You couldn’t stand to sell it once you found it:Our Paris flea market finds! “Keep-itis” immediately developed, but then the essence of ownership passed and it was time to make room for the adventure of finding new treasures.Out with the old; in with the new! Let Junk Bonanza facilitate!See you there!Kim
I always love shopping dealers like Karen, Susan and Karin with a “priced to sell” attitude because it’s a win/win for everyone!