The Bonanza welcomes a new neighbor from America’s Dairyland!
Name:Janet Steinmetz
Business name:A Piece of Mine, 6227 22nd Av., Kenosha, WI
What kind of junk or vintage item makes you swoon?
old painted cupboards, large metal letters
You knew you were a junker when…I was born the offspring of an avid junker. Never stood a chance!
Best all-time junking find?
Oh, a painting I sold for a mere pittance and found being sold, again, for thousands of dollars!
What’s the one thing you wish you wouldn’t have parted with?That painting!
What’s the best item you’re bringing to the Bonanza?
A rusty metal “something” — Lots of fun stuff!
What three things do you never leave home without?laptop, iPhone, money to junk with
Best repurposing job?
Turning “stuff” into awesome light fixtures
No one would ever guess…?I have 8 children!
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be…?a nobody!
Business email address:
Facebook page:
Janet, the Bonanza is pleased to have you on board. Can’t wait to check out your rusty somethings!