Max Holmgren
Business name:
Bear Fox Chalk
Stillwater, MN
Stillwater, MN
Founded business:
Your passion:
Helping clients transform the atmosphere of their event or business through the nostalgic, romantic medicum of chalk. I love making personal and meaningful pieces of art for others to enjoy.
I grew up in Marine-on-St.-Croix, just north of Stillwater, MN
You love weddings because:
I love that weddings allow me to be part of a couple’s day where so much love is shared. I wish I could be part of an atmosphere of love every day.
Favorite wedding-related item:
Hard to choose just one, but I would probably say a series of woodland and animal themeded chalkboards I did for my good friends who were married last summer. It was a dream wedding and so fun to give my art to them on their special day.
No one would ever guess you…
People might guess this once they see how tall I am, but by my senior year in high school I had probably played in over 500 games of organized basketball. I was OK.
I desire…
I would want your readers to to usher goodness and beauty into the world. I would love to do that with my art and to help tell tell their story at the same time.
Data bank:
I would want your readers to to usher goodness and beauty into the world. I would love to do that with my art and to help tell tell their story at the same time.
Data bank:
The Bonanza welcomes Max and his amazing artistry! We have chalked up a winner in him!
so cool !!!
I can’t wait to stop by…what a great business!