The Junk Bonanza welcomes Pickett Enterprises, a new vendor with a midcentury mod twist!
Sam Pickett

Pickett Enterprises

Lives in/Business located:
Little Canada, MN

Specializes in:

Americana, advertising, midcentury, Hollywood Regency and general vintage home decor

Favorite activity besides junking:
Would save if the workshop were on fire:
An original painting by a lesser-known but beloved Chippewa Falls, Wis., artist, Hugh Mandelert (1927-2001), called “Flambeau Fantasy.” It’s a forest scene where all these little Forest Nymphs are poking their heads out from behind the trees. Hard to describe but it’s really a great piece.

You knew you were a junker when:
 I realized I could combine my love of history, treasure hunting, collecting, decorating and design 
Three words that describe you:
curious, husband, Dad
Three words that describe your product:
cool old stuff
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be a:
poker player
When you found it, you knew it would sell immediately:
a set of four midcentury Kodawood clamshell chairs
You didn’t think it would ever sell:
a large 1920s Gargoyle Mobile Oil service station cabinet. I thought it would sell right away but it took about 10 months.
You couldn’t stand to sell it once you found it:
The aforementioned Mandelert painting
You can’t junk without:
My “supply bag.” It’s got a notebook, pens, flashlight, batteries, Band-aids, gloves, magnifying glass, phone charger and SOLD stickers.
What can’t we junk without? The Bonanza! Can’t wait to see you there!

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