Check out XO Handworks’ magnetic personality!

Tam Helmin
XO Handworks
Lives in/Business located:
Osseo, MN/all over my house
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:

Specializes in:
repurposed goods: turning old bits into new pieces; soldered pendants and keychains, Scrabble letter gifts, bottlecap jewelry


Favorite activity besides junking:
my hard drive (for the tax man) and my finished inventory (for my customers)

Would save if the workshop were on fire:
my hard drive (for the tax man) and my finished inventory (for my customers)
You knew you were a junker when:
I kept running out of room for my collections

Three words that describe you:
night owl, content, happily married
Three words that describe your product:
vintage, personalized, fun
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be:
a recluse

When you found it, you knew it would sell immediately:
Boy Scout postage stamps, which I made into pendants
We send our Xs and Os to XO Handworks, and you can, too, when you stop by to meet Tam at the Bonanza!

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