Clearly, the Four French Hens have three times the fun!
Sally Borgen
Four French Hens
Lives in/Business located:
Edina, MN
This will be Bonanza vendor appearance:
Specializes in:
vintage items including furniture, dishes, lamps, linens. Also painted and decorated furniture and handmade items such as pillows and quilts, et al. Also contemporary painted canvases.

Favorite activity besides junking:
Would save if the workshop were on fire:
suitcase full of family photos
You knew you were a junker when:
In high school, I was the ontly teenager (in the 1950s) who participated in the library’s annual “sale of old books.” It was a silent auction so I spent a lot of time hanging around so I could continue to bid –Shakespeare plays and poetry as well as a ton of classics plus some of my favorite reads. Anyone ever read the book “Romana” or the “Godey’s Ugly Ladies Book”? Ah, those were the days. The job I retired from 10 years ago? Librarian, of course.

Three words that describe you:
creative, focused in a scattered way, with a good sense of humor
Three words that describe your product:
vintage, homemade, brightly colored
If you couldn’t be a junker, you’d be a:
a full-time writer
You didn’t think it would ever sell:
the too-long white bench. Stop by and check it out it in September!
We will be there. We hope the bench is still available! What piece of furniture are you hoping to find at the Bonanza?!

3 Responses

  1. Beautiful! I hope year 5 is even better than the last 4 for you.
    To answer Kim’s question….I never know what I am looking for till I see it. BUT when I do it’s perfect!
    See you at JB,

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